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Spaces Between the Teeth – Columbus, OH

Let Invisalign Close the Gaps in Your Smile

Woman with spaces between the teeth needs InvisalignDo you have too much space between your teeth? Those gaps may cause you embarrassment and may even lead you to hide your charming smile. Extra space between the teeth can lead to other issues as well, including bite problems and tender, sore gums. Gap teeth can even be a factor in the development of gum disease.

Fortunately, our orthodontics office are available to help you close those unsightly spaces and achieve a healthier, more confident smile. Invisalign in particular may be the ideal way to address gapped teeth.

What Causes Gaps Between the Teeth?

Extra space between the teeth can occur due to a number of different factors, including:

Regardless of the cause of your gapped teeth, Dr. Mason and our team will be able to move your teeth closer together without the use of metal braces.

How Does Invisalign Work to Close Gaps?

Traditional metal braces use brackets and wires to move your teeth. Invisalign is different. It uses a series of clear, removable aligners. They apply gentle pressure to the teeth as you wear them for about 22 hours each day. As you move from one aligner to the next, your teeth will gradually move into their proper place. Dr. Mason carefully plans your Invisalign treatment to ensure that its final results are as attractive and natural-looking as possible.

Benefits of Invisalign

If you choose Invisalign to correct your spaced teeth, you can expect to experience numerous benefits, including:

Is Invisalign Right for Me?

If you have extra space between your teeth, it is likely that Invisalign can help you.. During your consultation with us, Dr. Mason will evaluate the movement of your teeth and make a treatment recommendation based on your unique circumstances.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you ready to stop feeling insecure about the extra space between your teeth? Request a consultation with Dr. Mason of Columbus Orthodontic Center today. He will put his expertise to work to help you achieve your ideal smile.

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