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Early / Phase I Braces for Children in Columbus

What is the Right Time for a Child’s First Orthodontic Checkup? No Later than Age 7!

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should be taken to see an orthodontic specialist no later than age 7. This will allow the orthodontist to make sure your child’s smile is developing correctly, and they can even recommend early interceptive treatment (also known as Phase I) to treat small issues before they can become more complicated in the future.

With Phase I treatment, Dr. Amin Mason is able to straighten primary (baby) teeth and create a clear path for the adult teeth to erupt. At this point, a child may then receive Phase II treatment for their permanent teeth. However, in some cases, Dr. Mason is able to completely correctly a child’s orthodontic issues using just this initial phase.

The point is: It’s in your child’s best interest to see an orthodontist while they are still young. With this early care, Dr. Mason can often save them from needing to get more extensive treatments in the future. Even if your child is already 7 or older, this initial appointment is very important for the long-term development and health of their smile.

What Is My Orthodontist Looking For During My Child’s First Appointment?


Young girl on bike wearing braces

Early Treatment May Give Dr. Mason the Chance To:

Your Child May Need An Early Orthodontic Appointment If:

Crossbite Case

Patient presented with bilateral posterior crossbite(narrow upper jaw) and underbite. Crossbite and underbite correction performed during Phase I. Patient’s profile improved post treatment.

Preteen girl with crooked teeth

Preteen girl receiving early intervention orthodontics

Change in facial shape following early intervention orthodontics

Underbite Case

Patient presented with an underbite, trauma to lower front teeth, and gingival recession. Underbite correction was performed during Phase I. Gingival recession improved as well.

Young girl with severe underbite

Young girl following correction of underbite

Open Bite Case

Patient presented with an open bite due to thumb sucking habit. Sucking habit was stopped and bite was closed during Phase I treatment. After patient lost all of primary (baby) teeth, patient was evaluated for 2nd phase. Parents chose not to pursue 2nd phase of treatment as they were happy with the Phase I results.

Young boy with an open bite

Young boy during treatment for open bite

Young boy after treatment for open bite

Early Loss Case

Patient presented with early loss of primary tooth C and impaction of adult tooth #6. During Phase I treatment, space was created for tooth #6 and tooth erupted without damaging neighboring teeth.

Panoramic dental x-ray showing crowding of teeth due to early tooth loss

Panoramic dental x-ray showing smile following treatment

If you have a child who you believe needs orthodontic care or has yet to see an orthodontist, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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