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Quick and Easy TMJ Exercises to Relieve Jaw Pain

October 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 6:43 pm
Inhaling to relax as part of TMJ exercises

The temporomandibular joints, commonly referred to as the TMJ, are sensitive and complex structures. Imbalance or strain on the TMJ can lead to TMJ dysfunction, which is otherwise known as TMD. One of the primary symptoms of TMD is pain and tightness in the jaw. Do you suspect that you have TMD? You should certainly seek TMJ therapy from a qualified professional. However, there may also be some steps you can take at home to ease the tension in your TMJ and find a measure of pain relief. Let’s talk about some jaw exercises that might help you accomplish just that.


What Kind of Braces are the Fastest?

August 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 3:36 pm

Whether you’re getting braces for yourself or your child, one of your primary concerns is likely to be, “How long will the process take?” After all, the sooner braces are removed, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy a perfectly aligned smile. Generally speaking, the speed of any given orthodontic process depends largely on the severity of your own issue. However, the type of orthodontic appliance used for your treatment can also make a difference. In this article, you’ll learn about the different kinds of braces – and which ones tend to have the shortest treatment time.


Planning Your Diet While Wearing Invisalign: 4 Foods to Avoid

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 6:20 pm

You’ve probably heard that one of the greatest advantages of Invisalign in Columbus is that it can be removed during meals . While this is true, there are several foods and beverages that could still end up disrupting your treatment or damaging your teeth if you aren’t careful around them. Before you start planning your meals after you receive your aligners, take the time to learn about 4 things that you should remove from your diet now.    


4 Health Risks of Crowded Teeth

March 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 7:15 pm
Shocked young woman with crowded teeth covering mouth

Overcrowded teeth are not aesthetically pleasing. Many people are under the mistaken impression that that is the only problem with teeth that are overlapping or too close together. However, the way they look is really just the tip of the iceberg. This dental misalignment issue can pose a problem to your oral health. Let’s talk about some complications that overcrowded teeth can lead to. What you learn may just motivate you to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist in Columbus.


Want to Get the Most Out of Invisalign? 5 Tips for the Best Treatment

December 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 1:15 pm
Placing Invisalign in Mouth

Getting braces can be a daunting prospect, especially if you’re an adult who has to worry about maintaining a professional image. Fortunately, Invisalign in Columbus offers an alternative that’s not only more attractive, but also causes far less pain and inconvenience. Of course, like with any orthodontic treatment, the success of your clear aligners depends largely on how well you take care of them. If you want Invisalign to straighten your teeth as quickly as possible, follow these 5 tips.


Braces vs. Dental Bonding for Gapped Teeth: An Orthodontist for Adults Explains

August 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 7:14 pm
a woman with a gap between her two front teeth

When you were a child, the gap between your two front teeth was considered “cute” and “adorable,” but now that you’re an adult, you find yourself opting for a tight-lipped smile to prevent anyone from seeing it. Gapped teeth are a common problem that can be easily treated by an orthodontist. If you’ve researched ways to fix your smile, you’ve probably read about two different solutions: braces or dental bonding. So, how do you know which method to choose? An orthodontist for adults explains how both treatments work and which one you should pursue.


Is it Normal for My Invisalign treatment in Columbus to Hurt?

June 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 8:39 pm

Invisalign in MouthWhen it comes to obtaining a straighter smile, Invisalign in Columbus can be a great option for adults who don’t want to deal with the inconveniences of braces. However, it’s still an orthodontic treatment, and many patients can’t help but wonder: will it hurt? How will I know if there’s a problem? Some discomfort with Invisalign is normal, but other times it needs to be addressed; here’s what you need to know in order to tell the difference.


Case of The Month – May

May 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:50 pm

This patient visited our office to correct a severe openbite. The patient presented with low tongue posture and front teeth protruding forward. Per our diagnosis, we treated her with Invisalign Clear Aligners and temporary anchorage devices (mini-implants). With use of TADs, the open bite was corrected without surgery. Patient achieved great results after 20 months and is waiting to receive several dental implants to restore missing teeth.


Want to Fix Your Crooked Teeth? Adult Braces in Columbus Can Help!

February 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 1:35 am

woman smiling showing straight teethWhen it comes to correcting your bite, this is a completely new era. Where as there was only one option, metal braces, in times past, you now have several forms of treatment to choose from. As our journey continues, learn about the different types of adult braces in Columbus and how they can rejuvenate your smile and boost your confidence!


Case of the Month!

January 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:30 pm

Following Teenage patient visited our office to correct the crowding, and reverse crossbite on the left side. Patient presented with poor arch form of maxillary (upper) teeth with front teeth protruding forward. Patient was treated with Invisalign Clear Aligners instead of metal braces. Patient was told she was not an Invisalign clear aligner candidate by several other clinicians. Patient achieved great results after 19 months. Success of treatment is highly dependent on the skills/training of the clinician.before and after restorationBefore and After restoration

Teenager before and after restoration

Teenager after restorations

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