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For Successful Treatment, Avoid These 5 Invisalign Mistakes

February 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 6:09 pm
Woman in white top holding Invisalign aligner

Clear aligners are one of the most convenient ways to correct dental misalignment. Plus, their discreet nature makes them ideal for people who want to maintain a professional image throughout treatment. How can set yourself up for a successful and stress-free orthodontic journey? You should avoid these five Invisalign mistakes:

Not Wearing Your Aligners Enough

Invisalign aligners only work when they are in your mouth. For them to be optimally effective, you should wear them for 20 – 22 hours each day, removing them only at mealtimes and for oral hygiene purposes. Failing to wear them enough could slow down your treatment and increase the discomfort you experience when you switch to a new aligner.

Eating or Drinking While Wearing Your Aligners

It is fine to drink water while you are wearing Invisalign. However, that is the only thing you should consume. Food could easily get stuck on your aligners or damage them. Hot beverages may cause the plastic to warp, and sweet items could allow your aligners to trap sugar against your teeth, increasing your risk of decay. Pigmented drinks may cause stains on your Invisalign.

Not Keeping Up with Oral Hygiene

Missteps in oral hygiene greatly increase the risk that you will develop cavities or gum disease. There is also the chance that you could damage your aligners or cause them to take on an unpleasant odor.

Here are a few oral hygiene best practices for Invisalign:

  • Rinse your aligners after each meal, before placing them back in your mouth.
  • Give your aligners a thorough cleaning each night with Invisalign-brand cleaner or other mild products.
  • Brush and floss your teeth before putting Invisalign in your mouth, after each meal. You may need to keep an oral hygiene kit with you when you leave your home.

Not Storing Your Aligners Properly

Try not to leave your aligners in the open when you are not wearing them. They could collect bacteria, or worse, a curious pet might steal them. Also, do not wrap your aligners in a napkin while you eat; some patients have accidentally thrown their Invisalign in the trash after doing that. It is best to keep your aligners in a designated storage case whenever you are not wearing them or cleaning them.

Failing to Use Accessories as Directed

At some point in your treatment, you might be directed to start using elastics (small rubber bands that can be looped onto little buttons on your aligners). Try to be diligent about following your orthodontist’s directions, even if doing so is a little inconvenient. Failing to comply could adversely affect your treatment’s outcome.

It might take a bit of time for you to adapt to your new routine with Invisalign, but as long as you avoid the above-listed mistakes, you can expect your treatment to go well.

Meet the Practice

Under the leadership of Dr. Amin Mason, Columbus Orthodontic Center provides Invisalign and a full range of other treatments to correct dental misalignment. If you have questions about what to expect with clear aligners, we would be pleased to talk with you. Contact our office at 614-549-5835.

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