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5 Signs You Should Use Braces to Straighten Your Teeth

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 4:21 am
Girl pulling back lips to show traditional braces

In the past couple of decades, clear aligners have seen a boom in popularity. Other innovative orthodontic treatments are also on the rise. Such options are usually very effective, and they can be much more discreet than traditional braces. However, that doesn’t mean that brackets and wires are obsolete. On the contrary, there are a number of situations in which they remain the best way to straighten teeth. Let’s discuss a few signs that might indicate braces are perfect for you.

You Have Complex Dental Misalignment

Clear aligners are usually reserved for cases of mild to moderate dental misalignment. They may not be able to correct severely crooked teeth or significant malocclusions (a malocclusion is a misaligned bite). Braces, on the other hand, are quite powerful and are capable of addressing even extreme orthodontic problems.

If your dental misalignment is bad enough to necessitate the use of braces, but you would prefer to use clear aligners, let your orthodontist know. You may be able to start straightening your teeth with braces and transition to clear aligners later on.

You Do Not Want to Keep Track of Clear Aligners

Clear aligners do not stay on the teeth all the time. Rather, they are removable. Many patients view this as a huge advantage. Others, though, might find it a bit inconvenient. For example, many teens live an active life, and some of them have not yet developed the self-discipline needed to keep track of their aligners. This could result in the aligners getting misplaced. Since braces are bonded onto the teeth, they cannot be lost or forgotten about.

You Want to Save Money

In many cases, traditional braces come with a lower price tag than clear aligners. Therefore, they are a good option for families who want to keep tight control of their budget. Plus, some dental insurance policies provide coverage for traditional braces but are less likely to cover clear aligners.

You Love Options

While many patients enjoy the discreet nature of clear aligners, others would prefer to use their orthodontic treatment to express themselves. Since you may be able to choose the color of your braces, you can use them to show your support for your favorite sports team or display a festive seasonal spirit. Of course, you are also free to choose hues that are more subtle. Things like the color of your skin, the clothes you usually wear, and other factors can all help you determine the best-looking colors for your braces.

You Want Efficient Treatment

On average, treatment with clear aligners takes about one year. Braces usually require 18 – 36 months. However, those numbers can be a bit misleading. Often, braces only take longer because they are used to address more severe cases of misalignment. They are actually a very efficient treatment. Your orthodontist can help you compare estimated timelines for all of your orthodontic options.

Would you like to straighten your teeth? Talk to your orthodontist to find out if braces may be the best option for you!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Amin Mason is a highly accomplished orthodontist in Columbus. He offers a range of treatments, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and more. If you are curious about your options for straightening your teeth, contact us at 614-549-5835 or use our online form to request an appointment. We look forward to serving you!

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