Early orthodontic intervention can encourage proper development of the oral structures and set your little one up for a lifetime of healthy, confident smiles. But how can you tell if your child should visit an orthodontist? Very likely, your general dentist will make a referral if necessary. However, you should still be on the lookout for indications that your little one could benefit from braces for children.
Crooked Teeth
This is perhaps the most well-known indication that braces are necessary. When your child smiles, are their teeth straight, or do some of them seem to be rotated or crooked? Do either the upper or lower front teeth protrude farther than they should?
Disproportionate Features
Does your child’s lower jaw seem like it is too far forward or back? Do their teeth seem to be too large or small? Disproportionate features may indicate that your child’s oral development may not be proceeding normally. Braces and other orthodontic treatments can encourage proper growth and may prevent problems later on.
Difficulty Eating
Dental misalignment is not always obvious, especially to the untrained eye. Even if your child’s teeth and jaws look fine, you should keep an eye on the way they eat. Is it easy for your child to eat a wide variety of foods, including those of different textures and varying degrees of hardness? Challenges with eating can be due to many different causes, of course, but it would certainly be worth your time to talk to an orthodontist about the issue.
Poor Orofacial Myofunctional Habits
“Orofacial myofunctional habits” may seem like a complex term, but the basic concept is pretty simple. It refers to the ways in which a person uses their oral structures. Bad myofunctional habits can indicate or lead to the need for orthodontic treatment. For example, a child who vigorously sucks their thumb may need braces to correct improper positioning of their teeth. A child with tongue thrust (meaning their tongue rests too far forward in their mouth) may also need treatment. Often, orthodontic treatment is paired with appropriate therapy to correct poor myofunctional habits.
Irregular Loss of Baby Teeth
Children usually start losing their baby teeth around 6 years of age and finish around the time they are 13. If your little one loses their baby teeth too early or too late, it can interfere with the health and positioning of their adult teeth. Therefore, they may require orthodontic treatment.
Do you believe that your child could benefit from braces? Your orthodontist is ready to help!
Meet Our Practice
Dr. Amin Mason and the team at Columbus Orthodontic Center provide a comprehensive range of orthodontic treatments for patients of virtually all ages, from small children to seasoned adults. To learn more about us and how we may be able to serve your family, contact us at 614-549-5835.