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Is It Possible to Be Too Old for Invisalign?

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 3:36 pm
Smiling middle-aged woman pointing at her Invisalign aligner.

Advertisements for orthodontic treatments often feature adolescents and young adults. If you have a few more years of life behind you, such media might make you wonder, “Am I too old for Invisalign?” The answer to that question is no! Let’s talk about why there is no upper age limit for Invisalign and why right now might actually be the perfect time for you to get started with straightening your teeth.

Your Teeth Are Still Able to Move

Your teeth are not directly bonded to your jawbone. They are held in place via tiny ligaments, which grant them the ability to move. This fact does not change as you grow older, so even if you have several decades of life experience, it is still possible for your orthodontist to design a plan to shift your teeth into their ideal positions.

With that being said, it is important to keep in mind that older adults tend to have harder bones than younger people. Since bone remodeling of the jaw plays a big role in successful orthodontic treatment, Invisalign for seniors may take slightly longer than it does for younger people. However, the difference in overall treatment time is usually quite minor.

You Are Responsible and Mature

While Invisalign is often marketed to younger people, it is actually a fantastic treatment for adults who are a little bit up in age. You have had some time to mature, which means you have developed a good measure of self-discipline over the years. While young folks might find it challenging to care for their aligners and wear them for the recommended 20 – 22 hours each day, you may go into treatment with an unshakeable dedication to making it succeed.

You Don’t Take Your Health for Granted

You recognize the health benefits. Younger generations place a big emphasis on appearance, so they might regard Invisalign primarily as a cosmetic treatment. However, it can also have significant oral health benefits. Straightening your teeth may reduce your risk of gum disease, which is huge because the rate of gum disease tends to be much higher in seniors. Even more concerning is the fact that gum disease may increase the risk of several serious systemic illnesses. By being proactive about your oral health, you are also protecting your overall health.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Age by itself is not a contraindication for Invisalign. However, your orthodontist will have to consider a range of other factors before they approve you for treatment, including the degree of your dental misalignment. If Invisalign doesn’t look like a fit for you, there may be other options for straightening your teeth.

Invisalign is a wonderful treatment whether you are 18 or 80! Why not talk to your orthodontist to learn if it could help you achieve a healthier, straighter smile?

Meet the Practice

Dr. Amin Mason and the team at Columbus Orthodontic Center offer a comprehensive range of orthodontic treatments, including Invisalign, traditional braces, and more. Our practice welcomes patients of all ages. If you are curious about your options for straightening your teeth, contact us at 614-549-5835.

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