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How Often Should You Replace Your Retainer?

September 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 3:38 pm
Woman holding a Hawley retainer and a clear plastic retainer

After you finish our orthodontic treatment, your retainer becomes your smile’s best friend. If you wear it properly, it can prevent your teeth from drifting back out of place and spare you from having to undergo future orthodontic retreatment. One of the only bad things about retainers is that they do not last forever. Failure to replace yours on time could lead to unwanted tooth movements and other undesirable consequences. So when should you get a new retainer? That depends on which type of retainer you have. Let’s talk about the average life expectancy of Hawley retainers, clear plastic retainers, and fixed retainers.

Hawley Retainers

Hawley retainers are constructed out of wire and a hard plastic or acrylic plate. They tend to be quite durable. Many patients find that their Hawley retainer lasts for 5 – 10 years. However, that isn’t the case for everyone. Here are a few signs that you might need to visit your orthodontist to request a new one:

  • Its fit has changed. For example, it might begin to feel unusually loose on your teeth.
  • There are cracks. Visible cracks in the plastic of a retainer will only grow larger with time, eventually causing the retainer to stop being effective.
  • The retainer is warped. Some well-meaning patients expose their retainer to extremely hot liquids (for example, they might use boiling water to clean it), which can cause it to lose its shape.

Clear Plastic Retainers

Clear plastic retainers, such as Vivera retainers that are often given to Invisalign patients, aren’t as durable as Hawley retainers, but many patients prefer them because they offer pleasing aesthetics. Vivera retainers are up to 30% more durable than other clear plastic retainers. However, you will still need to replace yours periodically. You should get a new one if yours stretches, breaks, cracks, becomes stained, or shows other signs of damage.

One of the great things about clear plastic retainers is that they often come in a set, so you may be able to replace a broken one right away without visiting your orthodontist.

Fixed Retainers

Hawley retainers and clear plastic retainers are removable, but if you prefer the convenience of always having your retainer in your mouth, your orthodontist might bond a wire to the backs of your teeth to keep them in place. Fixed retainers tend to last for quite a long time — some patients find that theirs lasts for decades. However, it is possible for the wire to break or become loose. If that happens, try to visit your orthodontist as soon as possible.

Is your retainer in good condition? If not, replacing it as soon as possible will help you to maintain a straight and healthy smile.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Amin Mason and the team at Columbus Orthodontic Center offer a full range of orthodontic services, including Invisalign, braces, and various types of retainers. If you believe you need a new retainer, our practice would be happy to serve you. Contact our office at 614-549-5835.

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