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Planning Your Diet While Wearing Invisalign: 4 Foods to Avoid

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 6:20 pm

You’ve probably heard that one of the greatest advantages of Invisalign in Columbus is that it can be removed during meals . While this is true, there are several foods and beverages that could still end up disrupting your treatment or damaging your teeth if you aren’t careful around them. Before you start planning your meals after you receive your aligners, take the time to learn about 4 things that you should remove from your diet now.    

1. Gum and Other Sticky Foods

It’s well-known that gum and sticky foods can damage braces by pulling your brackets and wires off of your teeth. While this obviously isn’t a problem with Invisalign clear aligners, there are still risks involved. The residue from these foods can become stuck to your teeth. As a result, they might slightly tug at your aligners whenever you put them in or take them out of your mouth. They might also discolor the plastic slightly, giving the aligners a dull appearance.

2. Overly Hard Foods

Obviously, there’s no danger of breaking your aligners on potato chips and pretzels as long as you always remember to remove them before a meal, you still have to think about potential injury to your teeth. Jawbreakers, jolly ranchers, and other especially hard foods can push your teeth out of place, and that can end up extending your treatment time (not to mention you might end up suffering from a fractured or broken tooth). You can still eat hard fruits and vegetables as long as they’ve been cut into smaller pieces; nevertheless, bananas, grapes, and other soft options are generally preferable.

3. Dark-Colored Beverages

Drinks like coffee, tea, and wine are often responsible for stains forming on your teeth, and unfortunately, they can have a similar effect on Invisalign aligners. Some of the liquid might be left in your mouth after you are finished drinking your beverage (and, in the case of sugary or acidic drinks, could end up damaging your teeth if it becomes trapped there), so if you do decide to indulge in such a drink, make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water before you put the aligners back in.

4. Cold Foods

Cold temperatures can cause your teeth to grind together. This is harmful under the best of circumstances, but it poses an additional risk when you need to keep your aligners in your mouth for most of the day. Be very wary if you decide to have a bowel of ice cream or cool down by sucking on ice.

As long as you protect your aligners – and your smile – from the above foods, you’ll soon be able to enjoy the benefits of straighter teeth and a properly aligned bite. Plan your meals to make Invisalign a success!

About the Author

Dr. Amin Mason is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics. He is interested in many aspects of orthodontics, particularly when it comes to Invisalign and the interdisciplinary treatment of adults. If you have a question about Invisalign, you can get in touch with Dr. Mason ‘s office at the Columbus Orthodontic Center through his website or call (614) 549-5835. 

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